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I got an email from Chris Opperman about doing a CD cover which read, in part:

“…the reason why I am writing you today is because I’m in the preliminary phase of planning my 7th full-length album, Stillewasser (working title), which is going to be a solo piano album and a direct sequel to 2001’s Klavierstücke.

You can check out all my music here: although we’re currently finishing my 6th album Chamber Music from Hell which is neither still nor quiet.

The setting of the album is essentially nature, a frozen pond, a frozen lake by a cozy looking nostalgic house, or the like, but I truly am open to any ideas that you would have (your ideas would likely be better than mine anyway). The music is going to all be very quiet and serene…”

Here’s what I came up with:

…and what the front cover may look like:

I look forward to hearing it!

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Smokes the Fox

A while ago Justin asked me to do some concept sketches for the Smokes the Fox character he had come up with.

Here’s one of those:

…then a little while ago Justin asked me do a cover.

I did a pencil sketch, computer mock-up, tight pencil, ink, and computer colour.

Here’s a GIF of the process:

I’ll post more info about the book as it becomes available.

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Surf and Sun…

Cory sent a Ron Lim Silver Surfer to which I was to add a background:

While trying to figure out what to do, I amused myself by pasting the Surfer onto my scan of the original art for the cover of Cerebus 111:

But what I ended up going with is this:

When suddenly the weather changed and it’s like the middle of a summer heat-wave. Quick! Pencils down! To the porch!