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Headin’ for Seattle.

We’re on our way to the ECCC…

…we’re at table L 11 in Artist Alley…

(Maple leaf marks the spot)


…and here are some sketches I’ve already done for the show:

I added the wall behind The Hulk…

…a Batcave computer with blank screens

for other artists at the show to add their characters to (cool idea)…

…and an American flag for The Captain.


Hope to see some of you at the show!

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2016 cons ‘n’ commissions

Here’s a little movie compiling all of the con and commissions from 2016:

Wishing all of you the best for 2017.


Here is our schedule so far for this year:

March 2 – 5… Emerald City Comicon… Seattle WA
March 17 – 19… Toronto ComiCon… Canada
April 14 – 16… Indiana Comic Con… Indianapolis
April 29 – 30… East Coast Comicon… Secaucus NJ
May 19 – 21… Motor City Comic Con… Novi MI
June 16 – 18… Heroes Convention… Charlotte NC
September 8 – 10… Wizard World… Nashville TN
September 22 – 24 – Hal-Con… Halifax NS Canada

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Emerald City Art

I’ve been working on a large, complicated piece lately; more on that later.

In he meantime, here’s a piece I did for the Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle March 2-5, 2017

for their art book and auction to benefit the Children’s Hospital.

The theme of the book is ‘Monsters and Dames’.

This is the pen and ink on paper original which will be auctioned off at the show…

ruby-bw-small…and the computer coloured limited edition artist-proof print to be submitted as well.

ruby-colour-smallStay tuned for a list of upcoming shows for 2017.


And here a photo Joseph sent of his proudly displayed Regency print:


You can order your prints at My Store.

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Seems like we just got home…

…and we’re off to Hamilton for the con.

At least this one is just a short drive away.

And! It’s being held at the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum

which is just off-the-scale cool.


Here’s me desperately trying to finish the first eight pages of

Grant Morrison’s ‘Smile of the Absent Cat’ before the deadline

under Elsa’s strict supervision.